Veracruz has once again secured the certification awarded by GlobalG.A.P, with GGN: 4063061907080. This certification covers the entire product production process, from plantation to harvest, and assesses various factors that recognise best farming practices, such as efficient resource management, favouring the use of naturally regulated mechanisms, which result in more sustainable farming.
The company also managed to achieve Spring certification, which assesses sustainable water management in the field. The aspects observed include, for example, legal conformity of water sources and extraction rates, monitoring of water consumption and sustainable watershed management, as well as protection of water sources and ongoing measures that demonstrate the continuous improvement of water management.
Among the advantages of this certification are the increase in the efficiency of the Irrigation Systems, a reduction in the costs linked to water consumption and contribution to the sustainability of this resource, among others.
Andreia Barbosa, Veracruz’s Commercial, Human Resources and Marketing Director stresses that “certifications are important in as far as they add value to our almonds and imprint potential to open up new local and global markets. We all gain with the thoroughness and transparency of these assessments.”
Global Gap certification meets the demands of the main global retailers. Food safety, energy efficiency, water management, use of fertilisers and workers’ welfare are some of the criteria analysed by GlobalG.A.P. In practice, it means that the product is safe for consumption, in as far as it was produced in compliance with a series of strict criteria.